3 thoughts on “Parque Warner Madrid

  1. Hi , I’m thinking of visiting next week and was wondering what the queue is like and if it’s worth buying a fast pass. 


    1. Hi there. I have no experience with Parque Warner during the Halloween season, but the park tends to be quite busy during weekends. The park has some rather slow operations, so a Pase Correcaminos (their quick queue system) may pay off. Weekdays should be fine, I guess. Have fun!


  2. I found your comments on Spanish and Spain disgusting and offensive. I hope your readers bear in mind that this is only your personal subjective opinion when you say “paint is fading, operations are poor and the quality of recent expansions isn’t on par with the original lineup. These things may not bother an average Spanish visitor” or stating that all Spanish people skip the lines as a “national sport”. As if no other parks in the world were old or there are no impolite people to be found who skip lines. Furthermore, I really believe you underated the score of Spanish parks because of your (more than obvious) dislike towards the country.


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